Wednesday 20 November 2013

Why Now?

The past 2 months and 21 days have flown by, and despite repeatedly making mental notes that I should be documenting every single little thing that happens on my year abroad, I never really got round to it for as soon as the thought crossed my mind it would be replaced by salsa, sangria, numerous trips or even cliff diving at one point (more on these later!).  But I have finally laid down my maracas (I don’t know if that’s a saying but it should be), picked up a pen (or my laptop) and taken the plunge.  It may be cringey, it may be generic, and it will probably only be read by my granny, but the need both to document and procrastinate has become too strong. I shall try my best not to recount every mundane occurrence of my daily life here as an Erasmus student in Murcia, but will try to provide advice to those with a year abroad looming, to record some great memories that I don’t want to forget, and maybe even a more serious post or two, all blended in of course with a a sprinkling of photos and silliness!